Recap of Covid 19- How will the property tax procedures be different with Covid Protocols

Sorry my evidence packet is so lengthy – I did not have time to put together a shorter one!  Concise, Precise, and to the point… while these attributes have always been valued and appreciated, they are now required in a Property Tax Protest. COVID has changed the whole process of protesting your property taxes…and that is not a bad thing!! 

In the past, taxpayers were able to take evidence in person to the CAD office but that is no longer an option. This means that taxpayers must be more organized up front because there are fewer opportunities for actual conversations to flesh outimage your protest. As with everything else in the world, the CADs had to make many adjustments due to the pandemic. This year value notices come out in April as usual, but as with last year, the CADs will likely still do remote informal meetings and ARB hearings.  Because of this we recommend that you upload evidence at the same time as you file a protest.  Therefore, everything needs to be gathered into an organized, coherent evidence This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is packet.pngpacket. In past years you might have been able to talk through your evidence in person, but last year and again this year evidence must be much more like a written report, and very self-explanatory to the appraiser and/or ARB reviewing it.

Another change from years past is that ARBs will go from in person to telephone hearings. Actually, this is not much different than sitting in front of a three appraiser panel because of the procedures that were already in place to let each person have a turn to be heard. But the phone call is less facetime, so the protestor must be more prepared upfront. Basically, your evidence has to speak for itself.

Pro Tip: Since you won’t be there in person to direct the ARB to a particular page, make sure the pages are numbered!

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